This may be one of, if not the last update relating to the golem. It has recently been given to the Studio X animation department for testing. Going through the notes, there wasn't too much that needed to be changed, and a lot of personal requests for particular things that didn't apply to the golem due to the nature character's design. One thing to not was that many of the animators did comment on the overall complexity of the rig, which is understandable, considering all of the moving components that are contained on it.
I've also had it looked at by someone in the field, and they were impressed by what they say, as I had shown them the test animation I was working on, as well as the calisthenics test. Their only critiques were to have a close up of the facial area for some expression displays, some extreme poses to break the character, and a walk cycle. They did compliment the fact that the vines worked as well as they did and the variety of rig types that are connected to the character.
On the other front, I'll be creating a demo for one of the other characters I rigged during the Studio X program. I do need to ask for an animation sample of the character, but I do not think that there is anything completed relating to it at this time, so I may either have to create a quick piece myself, or as for a WIP animation from them.
I'm also hoping to be allowed to showcase some other characters from a separate project from outside the school. However, the person is unsure on the decision at this time, so it's up in the air if I'll be able to show it as part of my final review reel.