So much to place here, yet so little. Since the February 5th update, I've gotten a lot done behind the scenes, such as finishing up the UV unwrapping and binding the skeleton to controls. All of the vine curves on the main body have been bound to the skeleton, and a good deal of skin weight adjustments have been made so that deformation feels more believable when things move about. Thank you Component Editor.
Elsewhere in the project, I got some texture work started, focusing mainly on the diffuse pass for now. I've also cleaned up all the naming conventions, as I was scolded for not having my initials on everything within the file itself. Add to this the IK FK setup on the arms and the IK systems on the legs, and most of that technical bit was set.
Some planned sculpting for the back components
temporary mockup of the current textures on the model
I know I'll need to adjust the texture a bit to closer match the original concept art colors, but that'll be on the next update.
Back on the setup page, I broke apart all of the vine animations onto their own controls, so now the arms, body, leg, and neck can grow into place individually. This was done using the set driven key setup and keying the max clip control on the paint effect brush stroke. Needless to say, I should look into a faster way, if possible.
Past this, I've also blocked in the anchor, as seen in the background of the video above, and setup a temporary control system for the vine chain leading to the golem. This simply consists of an IK spline controlled by free floating joints. Still, the section between the anchor chain and the golem's back vines needs to be worked on, as the current point and orient constrain setup has an issue where the joints flip. not a good thing.
Current rig setup
Lastly, I'm currently developing a design to place on the anchor to help round out things. I liked the look of the calligraphy word god in arabic I want to use on the stone in the golem's chest, so I want to create something similar to the look for the anchor stone.