Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Update for the week of January 27th, 2014

So after a semi break between sessions, the opening week classes brought about some more work on the Curpigeon birds. A few nodes weren't functioning as they should, so some reorientation was needed to fix the issue. However, I was asked to add additional controls to the facial setup to the sixth pigeon. There is still an issue with the right wing, but I will need to ask the person who set up that bird on their method for it so as to fix the issue proper.

Meanwhile, I've returned to my golem once again, completing the vines that permeate it's being.

I've also added in the sapphire horns atop it's head. All that is left is to replace the tree on it's head, and the stump that acts as it's left leg. The reason for this is due to an earlier version of zbrush creating some none to friendly geometry. The poly count ended up ridiculous, as well as spiraling down some of the branches and roots. not optimal in any way for unwrapping. Speaking of unwrapping, everything was also unwrapped over the weekend, minus the tree and stump. This means I can start hunting for some textures to use, as well as experiment without the texture being mangled.

For this week, I'm aiming to begin the controls setup for the arms and spine. I want to try a ribbon spine system, considering that there isn't a rigid fixture between the hips and the rib cage. I've also been asked to clean up my naming conventions on the file, which I completely agree on, as I've been sloppy about it this time around due to my focus on the vine growth system, what with it being one of the key elements of this character. I'll attach some demonstrations below.

The vine animations need to be broken apart and attached to a better controller, as currently they are all driven by one, and run simultaneously with one another, as can be seen in the videos.

I'll also be test skinning the vine curves onto the rig to check for areas that may be problematic when the character moves. There is also the construction system that I need to work out. I'm considering creating floating joints that animate into place on the main rig. This way, an animator can place the various parts where they please, and have each one move into place. I'll need to consult my professors about this, as they might have an easier method..

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